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Cancel Policy



Cancellation terms : 
If your reservation is cancelled more than 10 weeks prior to arrival date then we will refund 90% of the paid deposit. If the reservation is cancelled less than 10 weeks prior to the arrival date then we will do our best to re-let the apartment & refund 90% if this is achieved.

There is no right to the return of any payments made after the payment of balance, but in the event of cancellation (no less than 14 days prior to arrival date) we shall endeavour to re-let the accommodation & refund the balance payment (=50% of the booking amount) to you.


Covid 19:
In the case that the State of Croatia closes their border due to Covid 19 to other specified countries, then a full refund will be given for accommodation. We reserve the right to not invoke this clause until 7 days prior to your arrival date. In the case that an event cancels, stating Covid 19 as the reason for cancellation,  but that  the State of Croatia allows travel to Croatia then refunds for accommodation will not be applicable and your booking will remain valid and you will be able to stay at The Garden Resort.

Force majeure: 
We will not be liable for any accident, injury, delay, property damage or personal loss to you or those travelling with you in connection with any accommodation, transportation, or other travel services resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrences or conditions beyond our control, including but not limited to acts of terrorism, acts, strikes, theft, delay, cancellation, civil disorder, disaster, Government regulations or changes in itinerary or schedule.


Uvjeti otkazivanja:

Ako se smještaj otkaže više od 10 tjedana prije datuma dolaska, vraćamo vam 90% uplaćenog depozita (prva uplata). Ako je rezervacija otkazana manje od 10 tjedana prije datuma dolaska, mi ćemo se potruditi da ponovno prodamo apartman i vratimo 50% (tj.drugi dio uplate) ako se to postigne. Ne postoji pravo na povrat novca nakon uplate drugog dijela iznosa, ali u slučaju otkaza (ne manje od 14 dana prije datuma dolaska) nastojat ćemo ponovno prodati smještaj i vratiti 50% iznosa ukoliko uspijemo u tome.

Viša sila:

Nećemo biti odgovorni za bilo kakvu nezgodu, ozljedu, kašnjenje, oštećenje imovine ili osobni gubitak za vas ili one koji putuju s vama u vezi s bilo kakvim smještajem, prijevozom ili drugim putničkim uslugama koje proizlaze izravno ili neizravno uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na, teroristička djela, , državne udare, krađu, kašnjenje, otkazivanje, građanske nerede, katastrofe, vladine propise ili promjene u rasporedu.

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